Monday, September 15, 2008

Research paper First paragraph "drug legalization" hey everyone in the 60s and 70s did it, they were just to lazy to get it legalized

The generations of today, yesterday, and even beyond have all faced drugs in one form or another. To say you've never been shown a drug is to practically say you have the same social experience of someone living on a desert island or you were raised by a agoraphobic women because your parents left you on her doorstep thinking she ran a government facility and could turn you into a super hero because there were so many lawn gnomes in the front lawn the only logical reason they could be there would be that they were some sort of advanced defense system. Drugs have influenced great achievements in art and science and have influenced many parts of our daily lives. Yet all the drug use has yielded our government to have a declared war on drugs. mind you that some drugs are bad, can ruin your life and make your teeth fall out or have you wake up over your dead girl friends body and remember the fact that you ate her alive, these drugs should be extinguished. Lesser drugs however which either turn you into a "being of pure love" whose only goal is to either cuddle or dance all night or a drug that only exposes you to hallucinations that only someone who was psychotically unstable in the first place would commit irrational harmful acts or better yet a drug that gives people a mild high however face as much hostility from authorities then the real harmful drugs that are out there polluting the people. If lesser drugs such as Marijuana, MDMA and LSD were legalized the crime and death rate would decrease, which puts less economic strain on holding facilities. New industry would grow providing jobs for qualified people. Control over the substances could be taken and any revenue seen from the profits could be taxed and used to provide for schools and public transport systems. An economic gain would be seen in our country's revenue and a safer America could be found.

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