Monday, August 25, 2008

Self Introduction

I'm Richard Harp, otherwise known as Reechoo, I happen to live in the small town of Running Springs which is on the way to Big Bear if you didn't know. I'm currently on the path to become a Paramedic and later on a pharmacist, probly because i like helping people, or more then likley i played to much Dr. Mario and operation as a kid.
If you didn't guess it already i am a raver, my raver names Tree and I will be going to nocturnal next. I usually hit up all the massives and every so often i go to a rave at the Gotham/Hudson. I also happen to be a gamer and snow boarder. I love cartoons and anything funny and i happen to tell really bad jokes on occasion. theres more to me but who cares beyond that. GO TEAM VENTURE!

heres my contact info if you ever need help in class


mila said...


Reechoo said...

i forgot my phone number its
909 557 4389